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Are you immune against mumps?
Are you immune against mumps?

Mumps is a sickness caused by a virus. It can be mild or serious, affecting different parts of the body. To prevent it, there’s a vaccine recommended for kids and adults.

For kids, there are two shots: one at 12 months and another at 18 months. Adults born after 1966 should have proof of two shots or show they are immune. Mumps can cause problems like meningitis and hearing loss.

The vaccine is given as a shot, and you might get it with other vaccines, but if not, there’s a 4-week gap. Some people shouldn’t get it, like those allergic to its parts or pregnant women. People with weak immune systems or on strong medications should be careful.

The illness spreads through the air and direct contact with saliva. Symptoms include fever and swelling near the jaw. It can get serious, causing meningitis or even fertility issues.

In recent years, mumps cases have gone up, especially in teens. Even with the vaccine, there have been outbreaks in certain communities.

The vaccine is good at preventing mumps, with most people getting immune after two doses. It’s safe, and there’s no link to other health issues like autism.

Remember, getting vaccinated helps you and others stay healthy!

Q: What is mumps, and what are its symptoms? A: Mumps is an acute viral illness caused by the mumps virus. Symptoms can range from mild upper respiratory symptoms to widespread systemic involvement. Common symptoms include fever, headache, malaise, myalgia, and anorexia. Characteristic parotid swelling occurs in 60-70% of cases.

Q: Who is recommended to receive the mumps-containing vaccine? A: The mumps-containing vaccine is recommended for children aged 12 months or older and adolescents/adults born during or after 1966 who haven’t received 2 doses of the vaccine.

Q: How is the mumps-containing vaccine administered for children? A: Children receive the mumps-containing vaccine at 12 months as part of the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine and at 18 months as part of the MMRV (measles-mumps-rubella-varicella) vaccine.

Q: How can adolescents and adults born since 1966 prove immunity to mumps? A: They can show documented evidence of 2 doses of mumps-containing vaccine given at least 4 weeks apart and with both doses given at age 12 months or older. Alternatively, they can provide serological evidence of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella.

Q: Why is the mumps-containing vaccine recommended? A: Mumps occurs worldwide, and complications can include meningeal symptoms and deafness. Vaccination helps prevent the disease and its complications.

Q: Are there any contraindications to the mumps-containing vaccine? A: Yes, individuals with a history of anaphylaxis to vaccine components, pregnant women, and those significantly immunocompromised should not receive the vaccine. It’s also contraindicated in people with IFNAR1 deficiency, and caution is advised for those with a history of thrombocytopenia.

Q: How are MMR vaccines administered in terms of dosage and route? A: The dose for Priorix and M-M-R II (MMR) vaccine for both children and adults is 0.5 mL given by either subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. ProQuad and Priorix-tetra (MMRV) vaccine for children <14 years is also 0.5 mL given by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.

Q: Can MMR or MMRV vaccines be given with other vaccines? A: Yes, they can be given at the same time as other live attenuated parenteral vaccines or inactivated vaccines, using separate syringes and injection sites. If not given together, there should be a minimum 4-week gap between vaccinations.

Q: Is there an interchangeability of MMR-containing vaccines? A: Yes, the two brands of MMR vaccine are interchangeable. The same applies to the two MMRV vaccines, although they are not routinely recommended in a 2-dose schedule.

Q: What are some precautions related to MMR vaccines? A: People receiving immunoglobulin or a blood product should wait before getting a mumps-containing vaccine. Individuals with HIV, those on corticosteroid therapy, and household contacts of immunocompromised people have specific guidelines.

Q: What are the adverse events associated with mumps-containing vaccines? A: Adverse events are generally mild, including fever and febrile convulsions. Anaphylaxis is rare. Mumps vaccine is not linked to autism or inflammatory bowel disease.

Q: What is the nature of the mumps virus and how is it transmitted? A: Mumps is caused by a paramyxovirus from the genus Rubulavirus with a single-stranded RNA genome. It’s transmitted through respiratory secretions, direct contact with saliva, or possibly urine.

Q: What are the epidemiological trends of mumps in Australia? A: In Australia, mumps rates have increased, especially among adolescents. Despite high immunisation rates, outbreaks have occurred, notably in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Q: What is the immunogenicity and effectiveness of the MMR vaccine? A: Clinical trials show 95% mumps seroconversion after a single dose and up to 100% seroconversion after a second dose. Effectiveness ranges from 60-90% after one dose, with better protection for those who receive two doses. Recent outbreaks have occurred in individuals who received two doses more than 10 years ago.

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