• 66 Balcombe Road, Mentone, VIC, 3194
  • 03 95836996

Mentone General Practice – GP clinic in the Bayside area of Melbourne received accreditation for Yellow Fever vaccination.

Our doctors provide Yellow Fever and all other necessary travel vaccinations.

Please call (03) 9583 6996 to make an appointment with any of our doctors registered for Yellow Fever vaccination or book online.

Yellow fever is a viral disease that is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected mosquitoes. In severe cases, the skin turns yellow (jaundice).

Doing a Yellow Fever vaccine well before your planned travel is better. However, the latest Yellow fever vaccinations should be done at least ten days before travelling to a yellow fever risk area.

Children under nine months of age, individuals who have had severe allergic reactions to the vaccine in the past or any component of the vaccine, i.e. to eggs or chicken proteins, and immunocompromised individuals should not have the Yellow Fever vaccine. Your yellow fever-licenced GP will explain whether or not you should get a yellow fever vaccine based on your age, destination, existing health conditions, risk of infection, country requirements and more. What will happen if I enter Australia from the Yellow Fever risk country without the Certificate?


Which countries will demand a Yellow Fever Certificate?

Countries at high risk for Yellow fever include African countries such as Nigeria, Uganda, Togo, and Ghana, as well as some destinations in Central/South America, including Brazil, Argentina (Misiones and Corrientes provinces), and Peru. Forty-two countries are on Australia’s Yellow Fever risk list of countries and areas.

Contact our clinic today for professional advice on whether you need a Yellow Fever Certificate for your next travel destination.

Topic: Yellow Fever and other travel vaccinations are available in Bayside, Melbourne.

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