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Q: What happens to the periorbital area as we age?

A: Aging brings noticeable changes to the periorbital area, including deepening wrinkles, dermatochalasis, eyebrow ptosis, lid lesions, fat pad atrophy, and the emergence of xanthelasma.

Q: Define xanthelasma and its common occurrence.

A: Xanthelasma is a benign, asymptomatic lesion associated with lipid abnormalities. It’s commonly present in individuals aged 40 and above, particularly in the eyelids.

Q: What contributes to the development of xanthelasma?

A: The pathogenesis involves acetylated LDL, macrophages, and the deposition of foam cells. The primary lipid stored in xanthelasmata is esterified cholesterol.

Q: Are there secondary causes for xanthelasma, and what are they?

A: Yes, secondary causes include physiological states like pregnancy and obesity, systemic diseases such as diabetes and hypothyroidism, and certain medications like estrogens and prednisolone.

Q: Can xanthelasma appear on other body parts?

A: Absolutely, xanthelasma can manifest on areas like the neck, trunk, shoulders, and axillae.

A: No, there’s no association between xanthelasma and HDL or triglyceride levels.

Q: What cardiovascular risks might xanthelasma predict?

A: Xanthelasma may independently predict risks like myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, severe atherosclerosis, and death, regardless of known cardiovascular risk factors.

Q: What conditions should be considered in the differential diagnosis of xanthelasma?

A: Chalazion, sebaceous hyperplasia, syringoma, nodular basal cell carcinoma, and necrobiotic xanthogranuloma are part of the differential diagnosis.

Q: What are the available treatments for xanthelasma, and what are their drawbacks?

A: Treatments encompass surgical excision, lasers, topical therapy, and systemic therapy. Drawbacks include potential scarring, infection risks, and the surgeon’s skill dependency on laser treatments.

Q: How effective is plasma-based device treatment for xanthelasma, and what do the study results indicate?

A: Plasma-based devices like Plasmage offer a promising non-invasive solution. In a study of 50 patients, Plasmage demonstrated excellent cosmetic outcomes, minimal side effects, and high patient satisfaction.

Q: What’s the conclusion regarding plasma-based devices for xanthelasma removal?

A: In conclusion, plasma-based devices, exemplified by Plasmage, present a safe and effective alternative for xanthelasma removal, ensuring minimal scarring and high patient satisfaction (Cheles D, Esperienze Dermatol 2021;23:1-6. DOI: 10.23736/S1128-9155.21.00513-6).

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