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Q: What is gonorrhea?

A: Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium, affecting the reproductive tract, urethra, and other mucous membranes.

Q: How common is gonorrhea?

A: In 2018, around 1.6 million new cases were reported in the U.S., with over half occurring among individuals aged 15-24. It is the second most reported bacterial STD.

Q: How do people get gonorrhea?

A: It spreads through sexual contact with an infected partner, affecting the genitals, mouth, or anus. Even without ejaculation, transmission can occur, and pregnant women can pass it to their baby during childbirth.

Q: Who is at risk for gonorrhea?

A: Any sexually active person can be infected, with higher rates among teenagers, young adults, and African Americans.

Q: What are the signs and symptoms of gonorrhea?

A: Symptoms vary; men may experience painful urination or discharge, while women often have mild or no symptoms. Rectal and pharyngeal infections may also occur.

Q: What are the complications of gonorrhoea?

A: Untreated gonorrhea can lead to serious health problems, such as pelvic inflammatory disease in women, causing infertility, and epididymitis in men, potentially leading to infertility.

Q: How does gonorrhea affect a pregnant woman and her baby?

A: Pregnant women can pass the infection to their babies during childbirth, causing complications like blindness or life-threatening infections.

Q: Who should be tested for gonorrhea?

A: Anyone with genital symptoms or those with a recent STD-diagnosed partner should seek testing. Screening is recommended, especially for sexually active women under 25 and older women with risk factors.

Q: How is gonorrhea diagnosed?

A: Diagnosis involves urine or swab tests for urogenital gonorrhea, and rectal or oral diagnostic tests are also available.

Q: What is the treatment for gonorrhea?

A: Gonorrhea can be treated by medications called antibiotics.

Q: How can gonorrhea be prevented?

A: Consistent and correct use of latex condoms can reduce transmission risk. The surest prevention is abstaining or being in a mutually monogamous, tested relationship.

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